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Responsible Use of Warp

Welcome to the Responsible Use page for Warp, where we kindly remind you that with great power (over time) comes great responsibility (to not mess it up).

A Few Guidelines for Safe Time Travel

Time travel is a fantastic tool, and we want everyone to enjoy it responsibly. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you warp through time:

1. Respect the Timeline

Sure, it’s tempting to go back and change that embarrassing moment from middle school or invest in Bitcoin in 2010, but remember, the timeline is delicate. Even the smallest change could lead to unexpected consequences—like everyone suddenly preferring pineapple on pizza (shudder).

2. Don’t Be Your Own Grandparent

We know it sounds wild, but trust us—creating a closed time loop where you become your own grandparent is just a bad idea. The paradoxes alone could give you a headache, and besides, family reunions would get way too complicated.

3. Avoid Meeting Your Past or Future Self

As much as we’d all love to give our past selves a heads-up (like avoiding that fashion choice in 2005), meeting yourself in the past or future can create serious timeline instability. Plus, it’s just awkward. Let your past self learn those life lessons the hard way, just like you did.

4. Be Cautious with Historical Events

Changing the outcome of major historical events might seem like a quick fix for today’s problems, but history has a way of balancing itself out—often in unexpected ways. Stick to observing, and resist the urge to hand George Washington a smartphone.

5. No Insider Trading (Seriously)

We get it—knowing the future gives you a huge advantage in the stock market, sports betting, or even picking the right lottery numbers. But remember, exploiting future knowledge for personal gain is not only unethical, it could also draw the unwanted attention of the Time Police (and those guys don’t mess around).

6. Think of the Paradoxes

Paradoxes are like the universe’s way of saying, “I’m confused, please stop.” Creating a paradox can lead to unpredictable consequences, like alternate realities, time loops, or, worst of all, the permanent disappearance of chocolate from existence. So, if you think your actions might create a paradox, it’s best to reconsider.

7. Use Warp for Good

Warp is an amazing tool, and with it, you have the ability to do incredible things. Use it to learn, to explore, and to make the world (and time) a better place. Whether you’re preserving history or preventing future catastrophes, aim to leave the timeline better than you found it.

Have Fun, But Be Careful

Time travel is meant to be an exciting adventure, and we want you to enjoy every second of it (past, present, or future). Just remember to think before you warp, respect the rules of time, and avoid doing anything that could turn your day into a sci-fi disaster movie.

By following these guidelines, you’ll help ensure that time travel remains a fun, safe, and mind-blowing experience for everyone.

Happy Time Traveling!

Disclaimer: While this page is intended to be light-hearted, we do encourage all users to think carefully about the potential consequences of their actions while using Warp. But seriously, don’t try to alter history. Just don’t.